Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Boy, 4: "My dad broke my heart yesterday."
Me: He did?"
Boy, 4: "Broke my heart, yes. That's when your feelings get hurt."

Monday, March 22, 2010

Boy#1, 4 (holding a string cheese stick above his upper lip and wiggling it): "Hey, look -- I have a mustache."
Boy#2, 4 (laughing): "My grandpa has mustaches all over his body. Here...and here...and here..." (pointing to his face, head, chest, crotch, and backside)
Boy #1: "Really?"
Boy#2: "Yep. Covered all over."
Girl, 4: "Even on his booty?"
Boy#2: "Yep. Even on his booty."

Friday, March 12, 2010

Me (reading book about knights to a few children): "So, this was Richard the Lionheart. He was king of England."
Boy, 4: "Who was the king of Burlingame?"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Girl, 4: "What were you for Halloween again?"
Me: "An old man."
Girl, 4: "Did you put frosting in your hair?"

Monday, March 1, 2010

Me: "What did you do over the weekend?"
Boy, 8: "Played my guitar."
Me: "Nice."
Boy, 8: "Yeah, it's a Fender Telecaster."
Me: "Oh cool."
Girl, 8: "Tele what? Can't be very cool if you can't pronounce it!"